An ISO Certified Company
The Andreae HE Original Filter will bring a filtration efficiency near 100% while keeping the high loading capacity of the Andreae Original filter. The HE is made out of 2 layers of heavy “kraft” paper, punched, pleated and glued together completed with a polyester layer on its back increasing its filtration efficiency.
Suitable for all kinds of ventilation equipment, dedusting equipment, air suppy system.
Filter Grade: G4(EN779) EU4(EUROVENT)
nflaming Retarding Grade: F1(DIN53438)
Humidity: ≤ 100%RH
Filter Particles: ≥ 8μm
Final Pressure: 250Pa (Suggested)
Temprature: ≤ 100’C maximum in continue service
Average Arrestance: ≥ 65% (ASHRAE52.1-1992)
Dust Holding Capacity: 200g/m2